
TCR领域知名专家Nicholas Gascoigne教授来访立凌生物

2023年4月26日,来自新加坡国立大学杨潞龄医学院的Nicholas Gascoigne教授到访立凌生物进行参观交流,陪同到访的还有来自Gascoigne教授实验室的吴凌博士。立凌生物创始人兼CEO王文博博士热情接待两位来宾。

左一:吴凌博士;左二:Nicholas Gascoigne教授;右一:王文博博士

王文博博士对Gascoigne教授和吴凌博士一行表示热烈欢迎。Gascoigne教授是T细胞生物学和TCR领域的国际知名专家,在相关领域有超过三十年的研究经历,成果丰富。王文博博士从公司发展历程、技术平台和研发布局等方面向Nicholas Gascoigne教授及吴凌博士详细介绍立凌生物。Gascoigne教授介绍了其实验室的研发方向和研究进展,同时表示由他领导的团队已经孵化出一家聚焦新一代细胞治疗技术的生物科技公司。双方进行了深入的技术交流和探讨。随后,Nicholas Gascoigne教授一行实地参观了立凌生物搭建的实验平台,王文博博士详细讲解了立凌开发的各类TCR相关技术平台及优势。参观结束后双方表示期待有更多的沟通和交流,并期望后续双方继续针对T细胞相关疗法等前沿领域开展多样的合作。

Nicholas Gascoigne教授个人主页:


Nicholas Gascoigne教授实验室研究兴趣:

The research of the Gascoigne lab is focused on T cell biology, and in particular T cell activation after stimulation through the T cell receptor (TCR). This is crucial to all facets of the immune response: TCR stimulation by self MHC-peptide complexes determines whether an immature T cell developing in the thymus is killed because it recognises self too strongly (“negative selection”), or recognises self MHC-peptide with an intermediate affinity, in which case it gets signals to mature and seed the peripheral lymphoid organs (“positive selection”). Failure of negative selection results in development of autoimmune T cells. Once in a peripheral lymphoid organ such as the spleen or lymph nodes, the now-mature T cells can be stimulated by foreign peptide antigens derived from infectious organisms or tumours.